'; $(document).ready(function () { $('#assets_button, .bookmarks_button, .toc_button').localScroll({ target: '#side_pane', axis: 'x' }); // import/export menu closes when click outside $("*", document.body).click(function (e) { if ((e.target.id != "bookmarks_actions") && !$(e.target).hasClass("menu-button") && ($("#bookmarks_actions").css("display") != "none")) { $("#bookmarks_actions").css("display", "none"); $(".settings.bookmarks a.menu-button").toggleClass('active') } else if ((e.target.id != "tocs_actions") && !$(e.target).hasClass("menu-button") && ($("#tocs_actions").css("display") != "none")) { $("#tocs_actions").css("display", "none"); $(".settings.toc a.menu-button").toggleClass('active') } }); // settings checkboxes if (!$("input[name='display_threads']").is(':checked')) { $('#settings_notif_threads').removeAttr('checked'); $('#settings_notif_threads').attr("disabled", "disabled"); } $("input[name='display_threads']").change(function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $('#settings_notif_threads').removeAttr('disabled'); } else { $('#settings_notif_threads').removeAttr('checked'); $('#settings_notif_threads').attr("disabled", "disabled"); } }); // history handler for back/next buttons of the browser window.onpopstate = function (event) { if (event.state !== null) { var state = jQuery.parseJSON(JSON.stringify(event.state)), form, form_value = "", page, url_split; if(state.url.indexOf("?") >= 0) { url_split = state.url.split("?"); page = url_split[0]; var url_param = url_split[1].split("&"), name_value; for (var i = 0; i < url_param.length; i++) { name_value = url_param[i].split("="); form_value += ''; } } else { page = state.url; form_value = ''; } form = '
' + form_value + '
'; var form_send = $(form); $('body').append(form_send); form_send.submit(); } }; }); // ============== N A V I G A T I O N ================ // /** * Navigates to assets list * @param {type} album * @param {type} asset * @param {type} timecode * @param {type} type * @returns {undefined} */ function show_album_assets(album, token) { // the side pane changes to display the list of all assets contained in the selected album current_album = album; current_token = token; // Getting the content from the server, and filling the div_album_header with it document.getElementById('div_center').innerHTML = '
' + 'loading...
'; tinymce.remove(); makeRequest('index.php', '?action=view_album_assets&album=' + album + '&token=' + token + '&click=true', 'div_center'); // history.pushState({"key": "show-album-assets", "function": "show_album_assets(" + album + "," + token + ")", // "url": "index.php?action=view_album_assets&album=" + album + "&token=" + token}, 'album-details', // 'index.php?action=view_album_assets'); } /** * Navigates to the given asset * @param {type} album * @param {type} asset * @param {type} asset_token * @returns {undefined} */ function show_asset_details(album, asset, asset_token, sesskey) { current_album = album; current_asset = asset; display_thread_details = false; makeRequest('index.php', '?action=view_asset_details&album=' + album + '&asset=' + asset + '&asset_token=' + asset_token + '&click=true' + '&sesskey=' + sesskey, 'div_center'); // history.pushState({"key": "show-asset-details", "function": "show_asset_details(" + album + "," + // asset + "," + asset_token + ")", "url": "index.php?action=view_asset_details&album=" + album + // "&asset=" + asset + "&asset_token=" + asset_token}, 'asset-details', 'index.php?action=view_asset_details'); } /** * Navigates to the given asset * @param {type} album * @param {type} asset * @param {type} asset_token * @returns {undefined} */ function show_asset_streaming(album, asset, asset_token, sesskey) { current_album = album; current_asset = asset; display_thread_details = false; makeRequest('index.php', '?action=view_asset_streaming&album=' + album + '&asset=' + asset + '&asset_token=' + asset_token + '&click=true' + '&sesskey=' + sesskey, 'div_center'); // history.pushState({"key": "show-asset-details", "function": "show_asset_details(" + album + "," + // asset + "," + asset_token + ")", "url": "index.php?action=view_asset_details&album=" + album + // "&asset=" + asset + "&asset_token=" + asset_token}, 'asset-details', 'index.php?action=view_asset_details'); } /** * Navigates to the given thread (from trending threads) * @param {type} threadId * @returns {Boolean} */ function show_thread(album, asset, timecode, threadId, commentId, sesskey) { if (album != null && asset != null) { current_album = album; current_asset = asset; } if (typeof fullscreen != 'undefined' && fullscreen) { video_fullscreen(false); } if (ezplayer_mode == 'view_asset_streaming') player_kill(); server_trace(new Array('2', 'thread_detail_from_trending', current_album, current_asset, timecode, threadId)); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'index.php?action=view_asset_bookmark', data: 'album=' + album + '&asset=' + asset + "&t=" + timecode + "&thread_id=" + threadId + "&click=true" + '&sesskey=' + sesskey, success: function (response) { $('#div_center').html(response); if (commentId != '') { $.scrollTo('#comment_' + commentId); } else { $.scrollTo('#threads'); } } }); close_popup(); } /** * Displays the detail of a thread (from threads list) * @returns {Boolean} */ function show_thread_details(event, thread_id, sesskey) { if ($(event.target).is('a') || $(event.target).is('span.timecode')) return; server_trace(new Array('3', 'thread_detail_show', current_album, current_asset, thread_id)); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'index.php?action=view_thread_details&click=true', data: {'thread_id': thread_id, 'sesskey': sesskey}, success: function (response) { $('#threads').html(response); tinymce.remove('textarea'); } }); } /** * Navigates to the given bookmark * @param {type} threadId * @returns {Boolean} */ function show_asset_bookmark(album, asset, timecode, type, sesskey) { current_album = album; current_asset = asset; if (ezplayer_mode == 'view_asset_streaming') player_kill(); makeRequest('index.php', '?action=view_asset_bookmark&album=' + album + '&asset=' + asset + '&t=' + timecode + '&type=' + type + '&click=true' + '&sesskey=' + sesskey, 'div_center'); close_popup(); } // ================ S E A R C H ================== // /** * Modifies the display of the search form * @returns {Boolean} */ function search_form_setup() { if ($('#album_radio').is(':checked')) { $('.search_current').hide(); $('.search_albums').show(); } else if ($('#current_radio').is(':checked')) { $('.search_albums').hide(); $('.search_current').show(); } else { $('.search_albums').hide(); $('.search_current').hide(); } } /** * Verifies the search form before submitting it * @returns {Boolean} */ function search_form_check() { var search_words = $('#main_search').val(); if (typeof search_words != 'undefined') { if (search_words.trim() == '') { return false; } search_form_submit(); } } /** * Adjusts the search options according to the selected fields * (bookmarks | threads) * @returns {Boolean} */ function search_options_adjust() { if ($('#cb_toc').is(':checked') || $('#cb_bookmark').is(':checked')) { $('#search_bookmarks').removeClass('hidden'); } else { $('#search_bookmarks').addClass('hidden'); } if ($('#cb_threads').is(':checked')) { $('#search_threads').removeClass('hidden'); } else { $('#search_threads').addClass('hidden'); } } /** * Submits the search form to the server * @param {type} index * @param {type} tab * @returns {Boolean} */ function search_form_submit() { $('#div_popup').html('
'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'index.php?action=threads_bookmarks_search&click=true&origin=bookmarks', data: $('#search_form').serialize(), success: function (response) { $('#div_popup').html(response); } }); // doesn't work in IE < 10 // ajaxSubmitForm('search_form', 'index.php', '?action=search_bookmark', 'div_popup'); $('#div_popup').reveal($(this).data()); } /** * Submits the keyword to be searched to the server * @returns {Boolean} */ function keyword_search(keyword, sesskey) { $('#div_popup').html('
'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'index.php?action=threads_bookmarks_search&click=true&origin=keyword', data: 'search=' + keyword + '&target=global&albums%5B%5D=&fields%5B%5D=keywords&tab%5B%5D=official&tab%5B%5D=custom&level=0' + '&sesskey=' + sesskey, success: function (response) { $('#div_popup').html(response); } }); // doesn't work in IE < 10 // ajaxSubmitForm('search_form', 'index.php', '?action=search_bookmark', 'div_popup'); $('#div_popup').reveal($(this).data()); } // ============== A L B U M S ============== // /** * Deletes an album from the home page * @param {type} album * @returns {undefined} */ function album_token_delete(album, sesskey) { makeRequest('index.php', '?action=album_token_delete' + '&album=' + album + '&click=true' + '&sesskey=' + sesskey, 'div_center'); close_popup(); } /** * Sets the album position (up/down) */ function album_token_move(album, index, upDown, sesskey) { makeRequest('index.php', '?action=album_token_move' + '&album=' + album + '&index=' + index + '&up_down=' + upDown + "&click=true" + '&sesskey=' + sesskey, 'div_center'); } // ============== F O R M V A L I D A T I O N ============= // // -------------- B O O K M A R K S ------------- // /** * checks the bookmark creation form before submitting it * @returns {Boolean} */ function bookmark_form_check() { var timecode = document.getElementById('bookmark_timecode'); var level = document.getElementById('bookmark_level'); var bookmark_source = document.getElementById('bookmark_source'); if (isNaN(timecode.value) || timecode.value == '' || timecode.value < 0) { window.alert('Le code temps est incorrect'); return false; } var liste = (bookmark_source.value === 'official') ? official_bookmarks_time_code : personal_bookmarks_time_code; if($.inArray(parseInt(timecode.value), liste) >= 0) { window.alert("Un signet existe déjà à ce moment"); return false; } if(level.value !== parseInt(level.value, 10)) { level.value = parseInt(level.value, 10); } if (isNaN(level.value) || level.value < 1 || level.value > 3) { window.alert('Niveau incorrect. Le niveau doit être compris entre 1 et 3'); return false; } return true; } /** * checks the bookmark edition form before submitting it * @returns {Boolean} */ function bookmark_edit_form_check(index, tab) { var timecode = document.getElementById(tab + '_timecode_' + index); var level = document.getElementById(tab + '_level_' + index); if (timecode.value == '' || timecode.value < 0) { window.alert('Le code temps est incorrect'); return false; } if(level.value !== parseInt(level.value, 10)) { level.value = parseInt(level.value, 10); } if (isNaN(level.value) || level.value < 1 || level.value > 3) { window.alert('Niveau incorrect. Le niveau doit être compris entre 1 et 3'); return false; } return true; } /** * Checks the xml file containing bookmarks * @returns {Boolean} */ function bookmarks_upload_form_check() { var file = document.getElementById('loadingfile').value; if (file == '') { window.alert('Veuillez sélectionner un fichier'); return false; } else { var ext = file.split('.').pop(); var extensions = ["xml"]; // check if extension is accepted var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) { if (found = (extensions[i] == ext.toLowerCase())) break; } if (!found) { window.alert('Type de fichier non reconnu'); return false; } } return true; } // -------------- T H R E A D S ------------- // /** * Checks the thread creation form * @returns {undefined} */ function thread_form_check() { document.getElementById('thread_desc_tinymce').value = tinymce.get('thread_desc_tinymce').getContent(); var timecode = document.getElementById('thread_timecode'); var message = document.getElementById('thread_desc_tinymce').value; var title = document.getElementById('thread_title').value; if (isNaN(timecode.value) || timecode.value == '' || timecode.value < 0) { window.alert('Le code temps est incorrect'); return false; } if (message === '') { window.alert('Le message est obligatoire.'); return false; } if (title === '') { window.alert('Le titre est obligatoire.'); return false; } return true; } /** * Checks the thread edition form * @param {type} id * @returns {undefined} */ function thread_edit_form_check(threadId) { $("#edit_thread_message_" + threadId + "_tinyeditor").html(tinymce.get("edit_thread_message_" + threadId + "_tinyeditor").getContent()); var message = document.getElementById("edit_thread_message_" + threadId + "_tinyeditor").value; var title = document.getElementById('edit_thread_title_' + threadId).value; if (message === '') { window.alert('Le message est obligatoire.'); return false; } if (title === '') { window.alert('Le titre est obligatoire.'); return false; } return true; } /** * Checks the comment creation form * @param {type} id * @returns {undefined} */ function thread_comment_form_check() { $('#comment_message_tinyeditor').html(tinymce.get('comment_message_tinyeditor').getContent()); var message = document.getElementById('comment_message_tinyeditor').value; if (message == '') { window.alert('Le message est obligatoire.'); return false; } return true; } /** * Checks the comment reply form * @param {type} event * @param {type} thread_id * @returns {undefined} */ function comment_answer_form_check(id) { $('#answer_comment_message_' + id + '_tinyeditor').html(tinymce.get('answer_comment_message_' + id + '_tinyeditor').getContent()); var message = document.getElementById('answer_comment_message_' + id + '_tinyeditor').value; if (message == '') { window.alert('Le message est obligatoire.'); return false; } return true; } // =============== A D M I N M O D E , C O N T A C T & P R E F E R E N C E S ============== // /** * Enables/Disables admin mode * @type */ function admin_mode_update() { // creates a form var form = document.createElement("form"); form.setAttribute("method", 'post'); form.setAttribute("action", 'index.php'); // adds a hidden field containing the action var hiddenField = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); hiddenField.setAttribute("name", 'action'); hiddenField.setAttribute("value", 'admin_mode_update'); // adds a hidden field containing session key var hiddenField2 = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField2.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); hiddenField2.setAttribute("name", 'sesskey'); hiddenField2.setAttribute("value", '1039349be6280a1e8cc17f0f4e35d73c'); form.appendChild(hiddenField); form.appendChild(hiddenField2); // submits the form document.body.appendChild(form); form.submit(); } // shows the settings / contact form function header_form_show(src) { switch (src) { case 'settings': $('#settings_form').slideDown(); $('#user-settings').addClass('active'); settings_form = true; break; case 'contact': $('#contact_form').slideDown(); $('#contact').addClass('active'); contact_form = true; break; } } // hides the settings /contact form function header_form_hide(src) { switch (src) { case 'settings': $('#settings_form').slideUp(); $('#user-settings').removeClass('active'); settings_form = false; break; case 'contact': $('#contact_form').slideUp(); $('#contact').removeClass('active'); contact_form = false; break; } } // shows/hides the settings / contact form function header_form_toggle(src) { var show_hide; if ((settings_form && src == "settings") || (contact_form && src == "contact")) { show_hide = '_hide'; header_form_hide(src); } else { show_hide = '_show'; header_form_show(src); } server_trace(new Array('4', src + show_hide, current_album, current_asset)); } // =============== P O P - U P ================ // /** * Renders a modal window with a message related to an album * @param {type} display the action to be shown in the modal window (delete | rss | ...) * @returns {undefined} */ function popup_album(album, display, sesskey) { $('#div_popup').html('
'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'index.php?action=album_popup&click=true', data: 'album=' + album + '&display=' + display + '&sesskey=' + sesskey, success: function (response) { $('#div_popup').html(response); } }); $('#div_popup').reveal($(this).data()); } /** * Renders a modal window with a message related to an asset * @param {type} display the action to be shown in the modal window (share_link | share_time | ...) * @returns {undefined} */ function popup_asset(album, asset, currentTime, type, display, sesskey) { $('#div_popup').html('
'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'index.php?action=asset_popup&click=true', data: 'album=' + album + '&asset=' + asset + '&time=' + currentTime + '&type=' + type + '&display=' + display + '&sesskey=' + sesskey, success: function (response) { $('#div_popup').html(response); } }); $('#div_popup').reveal($(this).data()); } // Closes the modal window being displayed function close_popup() { var e = jQuery.Event("click"); $(".reveal-modal-bg").trigger(e); // trigger it on document } // =============== V A R I O U S ================= // function nl2br(str, is_xhtml) { var breakTag = (is_xhtml || typeof is_xhtml === 'undefined') ? '
' : '
'; return (str + '').replace(/([^>\r\n]?)(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, '$1' + breakTag + '$2'); } function toggle(elem) { $(elem).toggle(200); } // checks/unchecks all checkboxes function toggle_checkboxes(source, target) { var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName(target); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) checkboxes[i].checked = source.checked; } // scrolls to the given component function scrollTo(component) { if (typeof $('#' + component)[0] != 'undefined') $('#' + component)[0].scrollIntoView(true); } // sends an array to the server containing the action trace to be saved function server_trace(array) { if (trace_on) { // from main.php $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'index.php?action=client_trace', data: {info: array} }); } return true; } // determines whether the action has been triggered from a button or a keyboard shortcut function get_origin() { if (from_shortcut) { // a key has been pressed to run the action from_shortcut = false; return "from_shortcut"; } else { return "from_button"; } } // determines whether official or personal bookmarks tab is active function setActivePane(elem) { if (elem == '.bookmarks_button') { $('.settings.bookmarks').show(); $('.settings.toc').hide(); current_tab = 'main'; } else { $('.settings.bookmarks').hide(); $('.settings.toc').show(); current_tab = 'toc'; } $('.bookmarks_button').removeClass("active"); $('.toc_button').removeClass("active"); $(elem).addClass("active"); } // Render a styled file input in the submit form function initFileUploads() { var W3CDOM = (document.createElement && document.getElementsByTagName && navigator.appName != 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'); if (!W3CDOM) return; var fakeFileUpload = document.createElement('div'); fakeFileUpload.className = 'fakefile'; var input = document.createElement('input'); input.style.width = '140px'; fakeFileUpload.appendChild(input); var span = document.createElement('span'); span.innerHTML = 'Choisir'; fakeFileUpload.appendChild(span); var x = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { if (x[i].type != 'file') continue; if (x[i].parentNode.className != 'fileinputs') continue; x[i].className = 'file hidden'; var clone = fakeFileUpload.cloneNode(true); x[i].parentNode.appendChild(clone); x[i].relatedElement = clone.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; x[i].onchange = x[i].onmouseout = function () { this.relatedElement.value = this.value; } } }
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